Run with Masters Athletics WA at Yokine

Every year, the Masters Athletics WA holds various running events throughout the year and what better way to fulfill those lead-a-healthier-lifestyle new year resolutions than participating in this year’s 9k/6k/3k Run with MAWA to be held at Yokine Reserve.

The Masters Athletics WA's Yokine event will take place on 26th February 2023 and the run will feature 9 km, 6 km, and 3 km distances. As with all of MAWA’s running events, the run is free for MAWA members and visitors will be able to participate for a small fee. The event starts at 7:00 AM and ends at 9:30 AM. 

MAWA club membership is open to men and women 30 years and above, but children accompanied by parents or guardians are also welcome to attend. Club member inclusions are free entry to all MAWA events, participation in the track and field competition, opportunity to join weekly training groups, social events, and more. 

This event is part of a series of road running / walking and cross country events on Sundays all year round, so if you're looking to challenge yourself and push your limits, the MAWA Yokine Event is the perfect opportunity to do so. With its range of distances, you can test your endurance and take your running to the next level, or simply enjoy a leisurely run through the park's beautiful surroundings.

For more information and to keep updated about the event, head over to MAWA’s official event page here


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